Death, Suicide and Self-Harm
Do you think about death, have suicidal thoughts, or practice self-harm? Do you ever believe dying would solve your problems or fix your situation? Are you afraid of your thoughts about suicide but too afraid to tell anyone?
Well, you are not alone. Anyone can, at times, feel overwhelmed by their circumstances or begin to doubt their self-worth. Just because you feel like wanting to die or are having thoughts of ending your life does not mean you are the problem or that suicide is the solution. What a person needs most during times of difficulty is love and support, someone indicating that they matter, and so do their thoughts and feelings.
It is important to understand that feeling overwhelmed or insignificant at various times in life is normal. It does not mean you are ‘crazy’ or abnormal. In fact, such thoughts or feelings might be expected when you feel your situation is beyond your ability to manage and will never improve. Furthermore, a lack of support from caring family or friends can lead you to feel insignificant and burdensome.
Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Harm
Fleeting thoughts such as:
• Wouldn’t it be nice if I went to sleep and never woke up?
• If I could just end my life, then I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore
• No one would care if I died, and I would no longer be a burden
These are just some of the thoughts one might have when feeling overwhelmed by circumstances or doubting self-worth. However, that is all they are—thoughts and feelings.
As a humanitarian and a God-believing psychiatrist, I believe that no one human has more worth than any other and circumstances do not define a person’s worth. In fact, a person’s worth never changes, but circumstances always do. At times, when life gets too challenging, it can be difficult to remember or even believe these truths. If negative thoughts or feelings persist too long without proper support and professional help, it can lead to devastating effects, such as self-harm or suicide.
Suicide Statistics
According to the CDC, suicide rates increased by approximately 36% between 2000–2022. Suicide was responsible for over 49,000 deaths in 2022, which is about one death every 11 minutes. The number of people who think about or attempt suicide is even higher. In 2022, an estimated 13.2 million American adults seriously thought about suicide, 3.8 million planned a suicide attempt, and 1.6 million attempted suicide. Suicide affects people of all ages.
In 2022, suicide was among the top 9 leading causes of death among age groups 10-64. Suicide was the second leading cause of death for ages 10-14 and 25-34. Regardless of the causes, death by suicide is never the solution to current problems or the truth about a person’s worth. While there is no ‘quick fix,’ there are answers, and there is hope.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
So, what is the solution, and how can we change these thoughts and feelings?
With the right professional help, here is what needs to occur:
Step 1. Correct your thinking.
We can help you change your perspective and recognize your worth. You may not be aware of your own unique qualities that set you apart from any other human and bring unique attributes into this world. Your existence has a greater influence on others and the world than you might believe. We can help you identify the events or relationships that may have precluded you from recognizing this and are impacting your life today.
Step 2. Understand your value.
We can help you learn how to receive the compassionate support you need while learning about yourself. Learning how to choose the proper support and counsel will be critical to your progress. Helping you to find meaning and purpose in your circumstances will lead you to recognizing your worth and value.
Step 3. Change your perspective.
We can help you to develop a different perspective about yourself and your circumstances. With the proper wisdom and counsel, we can help you discover a new outlook that will lead to optimism, hope, and an improved quality of life.
While these solutions may seem overly simplistic or beyond the scope of your problems, the bottom line is that there is hope and there are solutions. As a professional who has personally experienced some of these thoughts and feelings, I have learned how to change them and now I help others.
If you are experiencing thoughts of wanting to die or contemplating suicide, please reach out for help.
For immediate or urgent help, please see the emergency services listed at the end of this article.
For ongoing support, please call my office about making an appointment.
Emergency Services
Crisis services are available to any Arizona resident, regardless of health insurance coverage. If you or someone you know is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, please call one of these national or local crisis lines:
Crisis Hotline
Suicide Hotline–National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
NIH Hotline
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
TTY 301-402-9612

Dr. Ladan Goble is a board-certified psychiatrist with over 25 years of experience in mental health. She is passionate about helping individuals lead fulfilling lives and provides compassionate care and evidence-based treatment.
Dr. Goble is accepting new patients in her Scottsdale, Arizona office. To schedule an appointment, please call 480.661.3877.
The information provided on this blog is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personal advice and treatment.